Recently I discovered a little know fact about QEMM. With a little searching you can remap RAM into a unused ROM location. On my Everex Step 386/20, this results in a gain of 24K. This was very helpful to me due to the fact that I must exclude Ram for both a video card and a network card. There may be some of you hackers out there who would like to write a program to locate all unused ROM locations in a computer. I would recommend to just upgrade to QEMM 5.0 when it arrives. I have been told by Quarterdeck Tech, that 5.0 has a program to evaluate all memory locations and to use them as mappable memory. For now just use DOS DEBUG. All typed commands will be entered in [ ]'s. Don't type the [ ]'s just the commands. [ENTER] is used for the return or enter key. [DEBUG][ENTER] -[RCS][ENTER] CS xxxx :[F000][ENTER] -[DCS:0000 0FFF][ENTER] ;Numbers will scroll by, watch for numbers ;other than 00's. If any occur you can't ;remap this section. -[DCS:1000 1FFF][ENTER] ;This section in my 386 was blank. There ;must be no code in an area to use it for ;High RAM. -[DCS:2000 2FFF][ENTER] ;Continue this for [DCS:3000 3FFF] Through ;[DCS:F000 FFFF] taking note of any blanks. -[DCS:XXXX XXXX][ENTER] ;Remember A000 follows 9FFF and so on. -[Q][ENTER] ;This will return you to a DOS prompt. Each section is 4K of memory. QEMM doesn't like breaking it down any further than 4K. So if there is ANY code in a section don't try to use it! Next you will need to edit your CONFIG.SYS file. Mine turned out like this: DEVICE=C:\nDV\QM.SYS ROM=C000-C7FF X=D800-DFFF I=B000-B7FF I=C800-D7FF I=F100-F5FF I=F700-F7FF RAM HA=256 ROM=F800-FFFF ROM=C000-C7FF maps my VGA video card ROM to RAM to speed it up. X=D800-DFFF excludes my Lantastic Network card ram so it will function. I=B000-B7FF remaps memory that would normally be used for a Mo